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Spain Lockdown Not All Zoom and Gloom

Despite the rising worldwide concern about coronavirus, I, as many other students, started the TEFL course in Barcelona without so much as a second thought about how the virus could get out of hand and consequently affect my life (in Barcelona or otherwise). Two weeks into my course and – surprise! – the country went into lockdown.

Switching to classes on Zoom

With the quarantine coming into full effect we were unable to continue attending our in-person classes at the school. So, with (literally) nowhere left to go, we switched to an online format, spending at least a few hours a day on Zoom. While this might seem like the ideal learning situation, being able to show up on screen in pyjamas with breakfast and a hot cup of coffee every morning, the transition was not as easy as it might seem.

The way I see it, the morning sessions online worked fine, though it did take some time to adjust to the platform (Zoom). Of course, it was easy to switch my computer on and join an online class in the morning, but actually maintaining attention and participating was a bit more difficult, especially given the unsupervised access to all sorts of online distractions. Personally, I focus better in a face-to-face environment, so trying to learn over Zoom took more effort on my part than I originally anticipated. Once I figured out how to leave my phone out of reach, my brain actually started focusing on whatever was going on. Additionally, having classes over Zoom also meant that we, the students, interacted less with each other than in the classroom setting which we had become accustomed to in the first two weeks. Pair and/or group work on Zoom, with the trainer joining the different groups during tasks, was something we gradually adjusted to over time. However, this ensured we were kept on task, and if we had any questions, we could easily raise our electronic hand for help. Personally, being forever scarred by the terrible group work experiences of my youth, I didn’t mind working in our smaller breakout groups without anyone else around to listen in (apart from the trainer), but I assume preferences in this regard vary from person to person.

Staying productive

One of the most difficult adjustments, at least for me, was staying productive while stuck inside. Even if you manage to absorb the information from the morning sessions, what do you do afterwards? Hopefully, the answer is “start working and tackle the steadily increasing pile of assignments due the following week.” Unfortunately, without the time restraints and reward associated with having a social life, the prospect of staying motivated decreased by the day.
So, even with the luxury of limitless free time, lesson planning became more arduous than ever. The process hadn’t changed at all – after all, I was still planning on my own at home – but the psychological impact of the “I have so much time, I can start later” mentality made starting the process much harder. Luckily, the teaching practice sessions in the afternoon, though online, still imposed a very palpable deadline. Furthermore, the lesson plan feedback sessions with the trainer were always available a few hours before I had to teach; I certainly didn’t want to miss out on an opportunity to find out if my lesson plan was actually going to work or not (or to just iron out a few things). So that’s what usually kicked my tush into gear…eventually.

How did I stay productive then?

Well, being stuck inside also meant that there were only so many hours of Netflix I could watch before getting bored of that as well. Luckily, procrastination is one of my most problematic vices and I have battled it for years. I’ve therefore developed a certain level of mindfulness around it. To be clear, getting to the point of being mindful about this issue took time and will power, as well as numerous nights of observing my hyper-productive friend with envy. This trick (if mindfulness can really be called that) came in handy when deadlines started to appear, and it became even more effective when being bored all the time. So, before moving on to the next episode of Tiger King, or whatever it is I was binging at the time, I would take a second to consider just doing the tiniest bit of work. It didn’t have to be anything major or definitive – just a dent, a plan, a sentence. I’d think: “Hey, I can brainstorm some ideas now and edit it later; it’s still better than nothing”. To avoid misleading you, my dear reader, I’ll admit, the procrastination didn’t stop. But at least I started taking occasional breaks from procrastinating. It’s amazing the amount of work that gets done with enough of those breaks. The other problem with being stuck inside, one that pairs very well with endless movie or TV show marathons, is the unlimited access to food. And boy, do I snack a lot – especially when bored. One way I helped turn that around was to use food as a reward system. I’m not sure whether that’s a healthy mentality to have (I’m not a psychologist or nutritionist), but it helped cut down how often I ate and increased how much work I got done. So unless I was actually hungry, I would set goals for myself – write a paragraph, figure out half of the lesson plan, finish researching a topic, whatever – and then indulge in the reward that were my leftovers. The key here is to exert some self-control (difficult, I know), but it was worth it in the end. This tactic was especially fun and rewarding after a successful teaching practice session. The well-deserved treat (and glass of wine) paired exquisitely with the entertainment that was my groupmate’s class – that’s also why I preferred teaching first.

Doing our teaching practicum on Zoom

I wouldn’t say teaching via Zoom was particularly stressful, it just took some effort and plenty of preparation; not only was it unfamiliar at first, especially after we had already taught a couple of classes in person, there was also always the potential for technical malfunction and the loss of precious time. Additionally, teaching some of the more senior learners who were not used to online learning could be somewhat frustrating: all rules of common decency would suddenly go out the window. Of course, that wasn’t always the case, but there are always a few classes that don’t go quite as expected. There’s the case of the latecomer who starts participating despite being completely unfamiliar with the activity; there’s the unreliable who phases in and out of class at the mercy of the internet gods; and then there’s the unknown spouse who decides to tag along and then unexpectedly quit the call to do something else. I’m just kidding, the last one was an isolated incident, but very entertaining nonetheless.

The point is, even though teaching online comes with its own set of stress-inducing qualities, with practice and patience, lessons become smoother and more enjoyable, and you begin to see the benefits. For one, teaching behind a screen means that you can check your notes or your lesson plan
whenever you want without looking too unprofessional. And you know that annoying student who keeps asking questions completely unrelated to the class? Easily solved with Google, though I don’t necessarily recommend answering every random question thrown at you in class. And finally –
sweatpants. The whole experience of doing our teaching practicum on Zoom has certainly equipped us to better deal with teaching online in our future work. Personally, I found teaching online easier than face-to-face, especially after I figured out how to use Zoom. Still, treating myself to a good snack after the ordeal felt like the pat on the back that I really needed.

With all of this in mind, all I can say is that learning and teaching online is very doable and can be fun despite the gloom of being stuck inside. As for procrastination, it is a perfectly acceptable way to react to the circumstances…at least I think so. But when the urge, or rather the need, to be productive comes knocking on your door, reflecting on your daily routine and simple pleasures can be surprisingly helpful (especially if that pleasure is wine). That’s it guys, I’m on my third glass and fresh out of motivation.

A Day as a TEFL student

My Life As An ITA TEFL Student

Starting off the day

It’s Monday morning in week three of my Certificate in TEFL course at ITA Barcelona, and I wake up to my alarm at 9 a.m. in my very tiny studio. I open the tall balcony doors to let some fresh air in and turn off the AC, hoping that this is enough of an effort to keep my electricity costs down (it’s not!); I open the fridge to make myself breakfast and realize I didn’t meal prep or grocery shop for the week. I can’t believe I did this again! No problem, I will just grab an empanada on my way into class at the corner café and eat before going into class. And thank heavens for this instant coffee still in my pantry from the prior tenant.

Like all my weekends since I started my TEFL course, I have spent most of Saturday and Sunday working on my TEFL course work- reading and corresponding quizzes, a lesson-planning assignment which took ages to do as I needed to find my own materials. On top of all this, I had to plan my lesson for teaching practice today. Trying to juggle having as much fun as possible on the weekends as well as doing the numerous assignments we have to do at the w eekends during the course is not easy; I decide my course work comes first, I will have plenty of time to party after the course.

I do a quick 20 minute yoga class from an app on my phone because I know I need time to review my lesson plan for the class I teach later today. Hmm… reviewing it now makes me realize it doesn’t look super strong. I’m hearing my instructor’s voice in my head: “What is the main aim of this lesson that I’m going to teach advanced students? “. I don’t know! It’s all over the place! I am going to have to revise it at some point before my class this evening. Perhaps it will be smart to grab another coffee along with that empanada.

10:00 class start!

Enough of looking at the lesson plan, I have to be in class for the first input session by 10 a.m., otherwise it’s points deducted! I shower and get dressed in the least amount of clothing possible and pack my professional teaching attire in my back pack. I grab my bike and head out. Entering the school is the best, ahhhhh AC again. Everyone is sitting where they always do, in heaps of sweat, and I head to my spot near the window and say hi to everyone. My classmates are in good humor, although some have a nervous look on their face that says «I may not be prepared to teach my class tonight» and I nod at them in solidarity.

I think about the day ahead of me, because it’s going to be a long one! 10:00-13:30, we have two input sessions with a break in between them, then I’ll need to eat again; luckily, we have a couple of hours to work on my plan after lunch from 2:30-4:30, when I can sit down with an instructor who will be available to give me feedback on my plan.

The first session of the morning, A trainer is teaching us how to work with young learners. She already has on the board a big outline of a bag and what looks like a Mary Poppins bag on the floor next to her. I’m looking forward to this. She has a fun mischievous look on her face and asks us what we think is in the bag. I hope it’s candy (it’s not.) The lesson proceeds and I am enthralled like a little kid. Kerry and Stephen always have great hooks.

After that session and our thirty minute coffee break, we have a fun-packed grammar lesson, and great teacher takeaways which may even help me with my teaching practice later.


At 1:30, we finally break for lunch – I can work on my lesson plan! I go over it with my partner who agrees I don’t have a clear main aim for my students. I have three hours before my class starts. I can do this. But first, I get delicious Indian food in the neighborhood with my classmates, and wolf it down in 45 minutes so that I can get back for 2:30 to get some much-needed lesson planning advice from an ITA instructor.

Back at school, stuffed but reenergized, I grab the nearest instructor who luckily for us is always on hand to give advice. I speak to whoever that might be, and for the next two hours, I work relentlessly on my lesson plan to tweak, add, and basically rehearse it. I have until 4:30 to get my plan and materials in order, printed out, and be ready and waiting in class for the guinea pig students. These are the students who volunteer to be our students so that we can practice our newly-acquired teaching skills. They are a great bunch, always willing to put up with our lessons which do not always go according to plan.

Anyway, I get to the point I think the lesson plan is clear and has a good flow. Not much I can do now, class is about to start and I’m going on first. Confidence and big smiles, these advanced students will be a challenge if they get bored (advice from my classmates who already taught them).

Teaching my lesson!

So at 4:30, the students walk in and sit down eager to speak. I give my lesson as one of my classmates and the trainer looks on, both of whom are making copious notes on my performance. After 50 minutes, I finish and it’s my classmate’s turn to teach (and mine to take notes on his lesson).

Phewf! Not too bad. They were intrigued and stayed focus, and seemed like they had fun. At 6 p.m. after my classmate’s lesson, the guinea pigs go home, happy by the look of things. Now we have the post-lesson feedback session in which the trainer tells us what we did well, and what we need to work on for our next lesson. This lasts until about 7pm. My notes are what I expected, which was I needed a stronger grammar take away. But overall, feedback was good on the lesson. Hurray! Now for wine!

Home at last!

And quizzes…that are due in two days, but I know the next two days I won’t have time to complete them. Wine and quizzes? Yes. Three of my classmates and I go to one of their apartments that has an amazing terrace with a view to tackle the quizzes that cover the chapters in our course book, drink wine, eat cheese and bread, and make silly English-teacher jokes.

Ok it’s now 1am. I need to sleep. I hop back on my bike and head home. The streets are wet from the street cleaning and it’s quiet, which is rare to see in the old city. It preps me for sleep. Got another 10 o’clock start tomorrow and the rest of the week, and need to finish that assignment for my one-on-one project. As I am not teaching tomorrow, I have all afternoon to start getting that in shape.  Reminding myself as well on the bike home that I need to schedule another meeting with my student for the project, as well as think about another lesson plan for my next lesson, which luckily for me is in two day’s time. My classmate has his next lesson observed tomorrow. More long days ahead!

Up the stairs with the bike, maybe I shower? Nah. I set my alarm for 9am and pass out. Dammit. I forgot to get groceries again.